March 16th, 2025
Office of the Chief Secretary


Office of Disaster Preparedness Procurement Notice


Office of Disaster Preparedness Procurement Notice

As part of a project titled “Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Management’ the UNDP is currently seeking technical experts to:


  1. Assist the ODPM and project partners with the strengthening of T&T’s operational preparedness for the domestic facilitation and regulation of International Humanitarian Assistance (IHA) in the wake of a disaster by obtaining a baseline of the existing operational framework through a Situation Analysis; and to
  2. Assist the ODPM and project partners in its efforts to strengthen the emergency communication mechanisms and synergies among the Early Warning System (EWS) owners, the Disaster Management Units (DMUs), the ODPM and fence-line/at-risk communities, which will provide a foundation for the ultimate implementation of a national multi-hazard EWS in T&T.


For further information on the procurement notices for these consultancies please visit the UNDP website via the following link:


Please note that the deadline for requests for clarification is Monday 11th May 2015, and the deadline for submission of proposals is Friday 15th May 2015 at 4pm EST.


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