March 14th, 2025
Office of the Chief Secretary


A visit from Prefered Manufactures Limited

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A visit from Prefered Manufactures Limited

Members of Staff as well as representatives of the Tobago Disaster Management Committee was briefed today on Wireless Mesh Networks as well as On-Site Gas Systems.

The Managing Director of Prefered Manufacturers Limited, Mr. Solomon Samuel visited the Emergency Operations Centre on Wednesday 14th October 2015. Mr. Samuel demonstrated the use of Wireless Mesh Network, Remote Network Management and Wireless Asset Tracking. These devices allows for persons in the emergency sector to communicate without infrastructure, it provides for secure communications as well as global positioning systems (GPS).

The use of On-Site Gas Systems also aids in the provision for emergency medical providers out on the field in time of an emergency and or disaster.

Both systems are offered by Prefered Manufacturers Limited.


The Agency thanks Mr. Samuel for his time and contribution.







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