March 18th, 2025
Office of the Chief Secretary


TEMA gains Diamond Standard Certification!!

Diamond Standard Awards

TEMA gains Diamond Standard Certification!!

On Wednesday 21st January 2015, six Delegates of the Tobago Emergency Management Agency journeyed to the sister isle (Trinidad), as recipients of the Diamond Standard Certification ,awarded by the Ministry of Public Administration. All six Delegates graced the stage of Queens Hall with honour as they received Diamond Standard Certification on behalf of the agency.

A total of eleven Agencies were awarded Diamond Standard Certification. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the Honorable Kamla Persad Bisessar and the Minister of Public Administration Mrs. Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan presented each organisation with certification, whom met the standards set by assessors of the program.
The Trinidad and Tobago Diamond standard is a National Citizen Service Certification Program for Ministries, Departments and Agencies within the Trinidad and Tobago Public Service which exemplify services to citizens and other client groups. It is the National Standard for Excellence in Citizen Service on the Public service of Trinidad and Tobago.

As the Tobago Emergency Management Agency strive with the vision to be the premiere disaster management agency in the region, the Agency would have displayed innovation, creativity, resilience and excellent service delivery to both the public and our stakeholders.
The Tobago Emergency Management Agency has taken the initiative to enhance our strategies towards service delivery.

List of Organisations Awarded Diamond Certification:
. Reference and Outreach Department- National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago
.Case Management System- Family Court Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago
.IT Literacy and Community ‘WALK IN’ Programme- Tobago Information Technology Limited
.Naparima College- Ministry of Education
.Outpatient Clinic- Scarborough General Hospital Tobago Regional Health Authority
.Sangre Grande Accident and Emergency- Sangre Grande Hospital Eastern Regional Health Authority
.Tobago Emergency Management Agency
.Trade License Unit- Ministry Trade, Industry, Investment and Communications
.TTBIZLINK- Ministry Trade, Industry, Investment and Communications
.Water Taxi Service- National Infrastructure Development Company Limited
.Women’s Health Clinic- St James Medical Complex North West Regional Health Authority

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TEMA | Office of the Chief Secretary, Bacolet Street, Fairfield Complex, Scarborough, Tobago. Tel: 660-7489.